Boys Training Centre

The Boys Training Centre is a residential establishment. All of the boys have been committed by an order of the Family Court. They are wards of Court and they range in age from 10 to 18 years. Boys are not admitted if they have reached the age of 16 years. There are two categories:
* Boys in conflict with the law under the age of 16.
* Care and Protection.

These boys have not committed a crime but may have truanted, been disruptive or have no parents or guardians to meet their needs.

The Centre has good facilities to enable the boys to reach their full potentials. Vocational training is important. BTC has been approved to offer the Caribbean Vocational Qualifications and to develop apprenticeships. This is synchronised with mainstream school.

The Motor Vehicle and Welding Workshop which has a laptop computer which was donated by Janis Winehouse-Collins. This enables processes and the assembly of car parts not available on site.

Agricultural section which grows vegetables for the kitchen and rearing of chickens.
The carpentry section built new bunk beds for the Centre.

A computer suite funded by the European Community which is extensively used for remedial teaching and to ensure the boys can use new technology.
At regular breaks in the year, the boys are allowed home leave which is a privilege earned for good behaviour .

All of the boys can participate in extra mural activities and programmes. These are football, golf, swimming and chess. The addition of music and singing has made a significant difference. The band has become a focal point for any activity that takes place at the Centre. The band members play with obvious enjoyment and to the delight of their peers.


Amy's Gift to St.Lucia Inc. is a non-profit company incorporated in St. Lucia, company number 2021/C094

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